Paint and Ink Waste Recovery

Greenway work closely with our sister company, Novum, and their network of offtake partners throughout Europe to offer a bespoke yet cost-effective solution to recycle your waste as fuel. We can tailor our service to suit our client’s requirements for paint wastes and paint containers, offering flexible collections for small volumes through to direct shipments. The types of wastes Greenway can help with include, but are not limited to:

  • Water, oil, and solvent based paints
  • Varnishes and undercoats
  • Spray paints
  • Floor and roof paints
  • Paint thinners
  • Powdered paints
  • Paint rags
  • Inks
  • Empty tins

How is it recycled?

Our offtake partner processes packaged chemical waste such as paint and solvent residues, as well as oily and organic packaged waste such as ink, glue, resin, fat and oil at its pyrolysis plant, where most of these materials is given a second life in the form of new products or energy recovery.

Contact us today to take advantage of our recovery routes.

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